Profits with Smart Vending Machines: Margin Analysis


Q: On average, how much profit does a smart digital touchscreen vending machine make?

A: When positioned in high-traffic locations and equipped with a well-curated product mix, smart digital touchscreen vending machines have the potential to yield robust profit margins — often generating more than $1,000 in net profit each month.

Smart Vending Machine Profit Margin Analysis

Details Price 1 ($22.00) Price 2 ($25.00) Price 3 ($30.00)
SALE PRICE $22.00 $25.00 $30.00
Sales Tax (Can Pass on to Customer) $1.65 $1.88 $2.25
Less: Product Cost $5.75 $8.00 $9.75
Less: Credit Card Fees $0.76 $0.85 $1.00
Location Owner Commission (15%) $3.30 $3.75 $4.50
Gross Profit Per Unit $12.19 $12.40 $14.75
Monthly Gross Profit at 75 units per month $914.25 $930.00 $1,106.25
Annualized Profit at 75 units per month $10,971.00 $11,160.00 $13,275.00